Massage & Wellness

YATRA MASSAGE – Holy Journey Massage

Massage philosophy

Our relationship with our body is too often source of sadness, even sometimes a taboo that brings difficulties in life. Learning again how to feel our body, our emotions, how to relieve tensions, stress, allows very often finding joy in life and happiness…

The body, on its physical and spiritual level, is an inseparable set, which it is necessary to keep combined and known. Yoga, breath and massage are there to help us to live fully in our body. Massage can be considered as an alternative medicine, especially in terms of prevention, or therapeutic accompaniment. Used daily this way for centuries in numerous civilizations, even today, massage can be part of a daily routine.

Working on a body is not just a physical experience. Forgetting its spiritual aspect is an error we pay in everyday life. Tensions, which we feel further as frustration, or emotion, are as much perceptible as a cramp following a physical effort. Our feelings, our sensations inscribe also on physically various regions in our body, block vital energies, and can cause later on pains and depressive states, even contribute to serious pathologies development.

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Types of Massage

– Abhyanga massage (whole body) : traditional ayurveda from South of India, this massage uses various techniques to relieve the body, massage blocked areas, relax muscles, drain the lymph… According to the direction of massage and pressure on various zones and marma points (vital points, comparable to the Chinese traditional points of acupunctures), this massage will provide a deep relaxation, with a lymphatic drainage or a nourishing tissue effect.

– abhyanga massage 60 minutes : 35 €

– Pantha massage (whole body) : marriage between ayurveda tratidion and thai yoga knowledge, this massage is ideal to loosen the body, the joint, and help with the aging-challenges… This massage, practised regularly, releases many blockings, helps with arthritis and joints-articulatory problems, and gives to the body a better flexibility and thus, a better fluidity of all energies in the body…

– massage pantha 60 minutes : 45 € / 250 € week treatment (7 days)

Tibetan massage (whole body) : this deep tissue massage is ideal to loosen the muscles and deep knots in the body… ideal as sport massage, it is done with various sized balls (wood in the tradition, or plastic in the modern version).

This massage can also be experienced as a relaxation massage, the pressure applied being lighter.

– Tibetan massage 60 minutes : 40 € as relaxation massage / 50 € as deep-tissue massage

As a point of interest

There is no miracle without effort, or a certain rigor. Actually, the healer is not the masseur itself, but the one receiving the massage. The masseur is only a channel, which allows his patient to use his own energies to treat himself. A mutual respect is indispensable.

The stress inscribes in the body as well as on emotional reactions. It is thus necessary to treat first and foremost its origin(s). However, in complement or in trigger, a massage can help you to accompany your transition/transformation, or be its origin. Your body is a complex and fragile entity, learn to respect and protect it.

According to Âyurveda, it is also necessary to follow the “7 days rule”. A treatment has to respect this âyurvedic law, which says that a therapeutic care, to be completely effective, is received during 7, 14 or 21 days. The massage, in the same way as the medication, is considered as being an integral part of the therapy.

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